Tuesday, August 26, 2008

The suffering is over


The suffering is over

As many of you all know due to previous discussions, my brother-in-law, Luis Isais, had brain cancer and was not doing very well. Yesterday afternoon we (Anjie and I) received a stress call from my sister saying that she had put Luis on hospice care and that he was probably going to pass away 'any minute now'. We grabbed a few things and headed up to her house in LA.
We spent yesterday evening in LA at my sister's house along with her two kids and 15+ of my brother's family. Luis was in a hospital bed in the middle of the living room, surrounded by life-support equipment. He had his eyes half open with his eyes rolled up to the top, and he seemed able to hear things, but unable to move or respond to anyone. Occasionally, he would start breathing heavily, and they'd administer morphine to calm him down and block the pain. They did this until around 7:30am today, when he passed away.
We need to be there for my sister so we we're going to be in LA for a bit. I have my laptop and my phone so I will be answering e-mails and tending to work-related issues as necessary. Blackberry blogs will be on hold.

It is a terrible loss for my family, but Luis is finally done suffering and for that we are grateful.
Thanks for all your support

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